Saturday 19 October 2013


Just wanted my dear readers to know that I'm in Japan att the moment to visit friends and family. So if I seem unresponsive that's the reason. If I get some time over I might do some blogging, but more than likely it'll have to wait until next month when I'm back again.

I do have some hobby stuff lined up for future posts. Stuff like this:


Friday 4 October 2013

Movie Musings

During the past couple of months I've watched a few movies of the sci-fi variety and I thought it'd be worth typing up some thoughts on them.

Tragically I ended up going alone to Pacific Rim. Sure I might have been a bit impatient, but still! I think you
know what the movie is about pretty much; giant mecha fighting giant monsters. This could so easily have become too silly for its own good or it could have taken itself too seriously, again ending up making the movie silly (the Transformers movies manage to do both at the same time!). Instead Guillermo del Toro finds the perfect balance and a movie about mecha fighting monsters becomes as fun and as awesome as it should be! It's hard putting my finger on exactly what it is that makes it work so well, but I certainly enjoyed myself and look forward to the sequal.

Something I really liked was that you had about five minutes of exposition at the start of the movie and then we got straight into kaiju fights! No gradual build-up, no origin story, just pure mecha fun from the get go! Brilliant! I really don't understand why the film didn't do better in the states. It didn't do badly at all, but I thought it could easily have been the big summer blockbuster. Did the average American movie goer miss the flag waving and patriotic undertones of movies like Transformers and Independance Day? Was the international cast and the main battlefield (Hong Kong, not NY or LA) off-putting? Or am I being a bit too prejudiced? ;)

Next up was Elysium, which I did manage to see with a couple of friends. After Neil Blomkamps first movie, District 9, was such a cool piece of cinema I had quite high expectations. I'd heard that the reviews were lukewarm but I went into the movie theater undeterred! It's about the poor, filthy masses down on Earth in contrast with the super rich and beautiful who have taken refuge to a space habitat (basically a Stanford Torus) called Elysium. Although the gritty style of District 9 is still very much intact you quickly realize that this is a different kind of movie. If District 9 was Fargo, Elysium is (the original) Total Recall . If District 9 was The Wire, Elysium is The A-Team. And I really do mean this in the best way possible! I think one reason for the lukewarm reviews is that this fun 80s style action movie can be hard to see behind all the grit and realism that Blomkamp loves so much. I was a bit confused as well at first, but when Sharlto Copley's evil sleeper agent character just became more and more over the top and insane it all clicked; "he's having so much fun doing this!". Despite the grit and the realistic design you really can't take this movie all that seriously - it's an action romp with superb sci-fi design and execution! Think about the plot a few seconds too long and you'll realize it's got holes like a sieve. But that's not the point! Just lean back and enjoy it.

With a lesser director Elysium would have been some kind of direct to video release, but Blomkamps amazing eye for detail raises it to a different level. The movie is full of all kinds of cool technology and designs, but they never insist upon themselves. This is really quite rare in modern sci-fi as every neatly designed gadget or gun have to be poured over by the camera, showing it in detail and how it works. Blomkamp simply throws all the cool stuff he likes in the movie but just allows it to stay in the background, which really helps with world building and, again, realism. And there are so many things that you'd like to just pluck out of the movie and put in your little sci-fi mini game! Just look at the different ships/hovercraft to the above.

If you don't know what I'm on about, consider the original Star Wars films. They had tons of background technology and designs that just were there and most of it you as the viewer never really understood or got a good look at. This probably had a lot to do with the cobbled together practical models used that often seemed to be a compromise between the concept art and what parts the model builders had knocking around. In the new prequal trilogy on the other hand, so many of the ships, gadgets and sets are thrust in your face, screaming "look at this awesome design I came up with! Please agree with me that this is awesome!! LOOK AT IT!!!", and to me this detracts greatly from a movie. I want cool designs, but I don't want to look at a showreel. Anyway, I quite liked Elysium and while it's not as good as District 9 it should be in every sci-fi fan's collection. 

I remember hearing about Europa Report quite a long ago, but feared it had died the kind of death movies you like to see usually do. So I was pleasantly surprised when it was released and made available for streaming. It's of the found footage variety but as the cameras are mostly fixed inside the spacecraft you rarely get the shaky cam that can be tiresome if used to much. It's about the first human exploration to Jupiter's moon Europa and we get to follow the crew through the journey and as they finally set down on Europa. The creators have gone to considerable length to make the movie as an accurate portrayal of space flight and that alone makes for an interesting movie. It's so rare these days to see something like this - the latest I can remember is Apollo 13 and (of course) 2001.

Europa Report is basically a "things go wrong in space" movie so you kind of know what you're in for, but what actually happens and how these problems are handled is what sets this movie apart. I don't want to move into spoiler territory so I'll leave it at that. It's also remarkable what kind of visual effects they've managed to achieve with the budget they had. The exterior shots are simply gorgeous! Especially during the landing sequence on Europa. Really spectacular stuff!

This is a film any sci-fi enthusiast would enjoy, but if you prefer hard sci-fi and perhaps enjoy real space flight it's an absolute must watch!

Hmm... that went on a bit too long. The next two will be quick.

I had heard so much bad about World War Z but I ended up thinking it was fairly good. It has almost nothing in common with the book of the same name, which really is the films great problem. Had it been released under any other name I think the reception would have been much better, now it simply seemed like people were angry that it wasn't the "real" World War Z and discounted it because of it. Standing on its own legs the movie adds a few things to the zombie mythology and it's actually pretty cool to see a zombie movie that is more like a classic disaster movie rather than a horror movie. Wouldn't mind a sequal.

Finally, I've watched Star Trek: Into Darkness. JJ Abrams does his thing and there are some cool scenes and pretty visuals. The cast is quite good (I liked Cumberbatch) and no expenses have been spared to make the effects spectacular. However, this is not Star Trek. It really isn't. And this is coming from someone who is really not a Trekkie in any sense of the word. I watched a bit of TNG as a teenager but that's about it. Recently I've started watching TOS and I quite enjoy it from a conceptual stand point. As a teenager I remember I thought Star Trek was mostly boring and not as action packed as Star Wars, but watching it now I like it because it is something different.

These two new movies really don't have anything in common with Star Trek except names, ships and uncountable nods and winks to the original series (really, it's starting to become a bit much). They could easily have been done as just generic non-Star Trek sci-fi movies and no one would have noticed. No one would have said "you know, Into Darkness really reminded me of Star Trek".The whole overarching concept of exploration and the future of humanity has been discarded in favour of explosions and silly plot twists. It's like rebooting Star Wars and forgetting about the Force. Or rebooting The Lord of the Rings and forgetting the actual ring! Basically, I think it's a waste of an IP when it's turned into generic action like this.

Yepp, I think that's about it when it comes to recent (new) sci-fi I've watched. I could perhaps throw in Agents of SHIELD in the mix, but it's on tv so... meh. Ok! So it is pretty cool and very Joss Whedon-y. In fact, I kept thinking "this is very much like Firefly" which in this case is a good thing. It could use a few generous scoops of grit though, as it feels much too sentimental. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing more!

There are a couple of characters missing still, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a 
River and Simon (although Simon really seems to have been integrated with Fitz/Simmons) 
and perhaps even a Book joining our merry band. :)

As for upcoming movies, we have Gravity by Afonso Cuaron, which looks absolutely fantastic, Ender's Game by Gavin Hood, which could go either way and Robocop by José Padilha, which also treads a fine line. Anything else in the next three or four months to look out for?

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Star Citizen - A Dream Coming True?

I remember when the Kickstarter for Star Citizen launched last year - lead by legendary game designer Chris Roberts (Wing Commander, Freelancer) it sets out to be the ultimate in immersive, sandbox space simulation. It covers all the classic space sim scenarios, from dogfighting to trading to exploration to pirating and even includes things like boarding actions and first person combat. From a conceptual standpoint it looks like the game I've always dreamt of playing.

The Aurora, the most basic ship.
You can play it as a single player game, in fact when you first start it up you'll play through Squadron 42 which is a military themed single player experience akin to what's in the video above. But once you're done with it your character is free to do whatever you want in the Star Citizen universe. She can become a trader, start mining or perhaps use those military skills for some bounty hunting. Now the entire game is open to you and the multiplayer aspect comes into play. Star Citizen is not an MMO in the traditional sense, but it does have quite a few things in common including a robust multiplayer. I don't think they've worked out entirely how things like PvP will work in detail, but you will be able to fly against other players and with other players. It seems to be similar to EVE Online in this regard, but with less focus on spreadsheet battles and more on immersion and twitch.

Now, I love EVE, I really do! But it does demand quite a commitment from you in terms of time and energy invested. Unfortunately a bit more than I feel I can afford at this time. Star Citizen looks to bridge this gap and I think it has the potential to rope in people like me, who would like to but don't have the time for EVE. Many of the systems seem familiar including the economy, although the economy in Star Citizen seem to be more of a hybrid between purely player driven and AI controlled. Here's a video talking a little bit about how it'll work:

What has me excited for Star Citizen, besides the more casual friendly gameplay, is the fact that you are a
The Constellation is currently the top of the line.
person flying a spaceship - not just a spaceship. And for that matter, you're not only flying spaceships, you get to walk around and talk to people in the bar, fight in boarding actions and fend of marauders at lawless planets. This is a pretty big thing as it improves a lot on the feeling of actually being someone in this universe. One of the greatest features of the space part of Star Wars Galaxies was having your own ship that was large enough to walk around in and call home. Bringing friends up to man the turrets and make repairs while you flew was really cool! It had its share of problems, but I'm thinking that if they could do that ten years ago I think Chris Roberts et al can do a lot better today! No load screens for one - you'll be able to go from walking around a carrier to jumping into a fighter and blasting some pirates to landing on a space station and walking to the local bar without any kind of load screens. Pretty cool.

325a, high quality... everything.
The other big thing is of course the twitch gameplay of Star Citizen. Make no mistake, this is you using your piloting skills when you fly and if you're interested it might be time to blow the dust off that old joystick that hasn't seen use since the late ninetiees. Some people like twitch and some don't but that's not really what's important. What I think twitch really brings to the game is (say it with me now) immersion. And since you won't be able to turn off the cockpit view you're really that person in that seat flying that ship. Which also means that you'll have to consider the cockpit view of a ship when you buy it. The small Aurora that you start out with and the Constellation both have cockpits with lots of windows allowing you to see very well, while the Freelance small freighter instead obscures quite a bit, but then again... it's not really meant to be a dogfighter.

Here's a look at a little bit of gameplay as Chris Roberts talk about the game and its use of Newtonian physics:

The Hornet, a dedicated dogfighter.
So they asked for $2 million and now they've just reached $20 million! Obviously there's a market for these kinds of games, and considering they estimate that the full game will need $23 million to finish with a year left to go I'd say the chances are pretty good. You can pledge for the game at different levels which will give you different ships when the game actually launches in about a year. I would love to get myself a Freelancer or a Cutlass, but those would be most fun with a friend or two who could man the turrets and take care of boarding/salvaging (which is done in first-person of course). Perhaps the humble Aurora is the best place to start... or an Avenger. Right now they are all parts of different pledge levels, but as the game is launched you will of course be able to buy them for in-world currency.

Of course, I would need to upgrade my computer first. This is something I've been wanting to do for aaaages. I think the number of PC games I really want to play are starting to approach critical mass which might motivate me to hold a little tighter in my money for a couple of months so I could splurge on some much needed hardware.

The Freelancer, freighter and explorer. Beautiful!
Finally, let's have a look at the ships available right now. Instead of keeping everything to themselves until launch the developers have chosen to give backers access to their hangar where all the ships they've bought (that are currently modelled and available) can be checked out, both outside and inside! It's all pre-alpha so there are all kinds of little bugs, but it really shows the work that goes into creating these things. The player can walk around the hangar and play around with their ships basically. My favourite so far is probably thre Freelancer with its Firefly kind of look, but the upcoming Cutlass "pirate" ship seems really cool as well. Even the Aurora looks great inside and the little sleeping compartment is great!

In the first video is the large (and expensive) Constellation with room for multiple crew members, the small Aurora and the 325a - the Rolls Royce of one-man ships:

In this video we get to take a look at the Freelancer. Another large ship mainly built for trading and exploration (yes, that's also a thing... you can explore new hyperspace lanes etc):

Star Citizen is still a year away but it's pushing all my buttons and they keep saying just the right things! It really is like seeing that perfect space game I dreamt of as a kid taking shape on the screen. I haven't pledged yet, but I can't see myself holding out much longer. Just need to plan how to handle my computer upgrading, which would also allow me to play games like Hawken and Planetside 2. Squee!!

Any thoughts on Star Citizen? Would love to hear it in the comments...