Friday 11 February 2011

LPL Prep!

I said I wouldn't buy any new minis for the Lead Painter League, but I did make one exception. Above is a Phalanx Logistics Vehicle from Ground Zero Games and it's going to be part of one of my entries. I was afraid that I wouldn't get it in time since Jon has been really busy catching up to all the orders he received during the holidays, but I got it today and the fast delivery kind of made me want to order some other stuff as well. On a side note, I really can't wait for the redesigned GZG shop that Jon hinted about in the January update! The current one is... dated. :)

I've always liked the Phalanx and seeing it in the flesh like this only helps to cement my feelings. It's a fair bit larger than I imagined though so I think I'll have to ditch my idea to use it as an APC for my Northern Guard instead of the Badger, which I don't really care for. DP9 makes excellent mechs (and spaceships!), but I don't really like the design of most of their vehicles. I'm actually intending to use other contemporary or near-future models for my army.

Oh well, just a little teaser. Back to work!

4 kommentarer :

  1. That promises to be an interesting entry ... very curious to see your work and where you'll end up in the ranking!

  2. Well, hopefully it'll come out reasonably close to how I see it in my head. But probably not. Hehe!

    As for my entries, I think I'll be submitting quite a bit of stuff that you've already seen here so I'll miss out on some of the 'newly painted' bonus points. :(

  3. Same with me .... Some "trivial things" like work, kids, wife, sleep, ... will prevent me from painting new entries every week. But that will not take away any of the fun in the LPL!

  4. Hehe! Indeed.

    What I really like about LPL is how it makes you go through all the stuff you have lying around and evaluate what you're actually still interested/invested in and what you want to paint. It's refreshing!

    I have a list in my Evernote where I play around with what minis to submit to what entries and how much additional work each on is. :)


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