Saturday 13 December 2014

Season of the Ring!

Being relocated for a few months I don't really have access to all my games and miniatures so I've been pondering what to write about here on Fire Broadside. The answer came to me when I played my first game of The Battle of Five Armies and recalled that I have some catching up to do!

I have reviewed the core book (first edition) and the Loremaster's Screen but since then there have been a number of really cool books released for The One Ring roleplaying game from Cubicle 7. They've also released a small storytelling board game called Hobbit Tales from Green Dragon Inn and, as I mentioned above, I've got my grubby paws on Ares Games' spectacular looking The Battle of Five Armies board game. All of this combined in my head into what I've chosen to call the Season of the Ring! 

During the winter and spring months I will post reviews of all the Cubicle 7 books released so far (excluding the new core book that I have yet to acquire), as well as a few Lord of the Rings board games that I enjoy.

Wanting to start with a bang I've decided that the first review to hit the site will be the one for The Battle of Five Armies as it is such a visual spectacle to behold! Next up will be the Rivendell source book for The One Ring that is being released right now. After that I will probably do the reviews in order of release, starting with Tales from Wilderland, interspersed with some board gaming now and then.

I'll keep this post updated with the reviews I've written so far so keep this page bookmarked for ease of reference.

The One Ring Reviews:

Other LotR game reviews:

Time permitting I might add things to the list. I would like to write reviews for FFG's Lord of the Rings The Card Game and Middle-Earth Quest but I'll add them only when I know I have the time to do it properly.

So there you have it - an introduction to the Season of the Ring!

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