Monday 3 September 2012

Dust Warfare: More KV-47 Walkers Painted!

 Regular to the left, Grand'ma to the right.

Seeing as today is #MiniatureMonday I thought I'd put up the other two SSU walkers I finished last week. Another standard KV-47 walker and Koshka's customized version (that looks pretty much exactly the same). As you can see I did them exactly the same way as the first one as I like uniformity in large army games like Dust Warfare. Was considering doing something different for Grand'ma, but decided against it as I really like the green.

The one on the left got damaged as I held it too close to my halogen desk lamp and required some impromptu repairs. Had this been a game like Infinity where I put a lot of time and effort into each mini I might have tried to replace the damged top entirely, but as I see Dust Warfare as my dirty side-project I was happy to simply patch it up with some greenstuff and plasticard and call it battle damage. Those German laser cannons are nasty! :)

I'm actually still not 100% done with these as the chainsaw arms need some weathering, but that's it. I have ordered one more, as I simply can't get enough of them, and will likely paint it together with the transport helicopter.


I got to try them out this past Saturday as I played a 300 point battle against Anders and his Axis army. I ran them in their chainsaw wielding Natalya configuration which was fun! Anders fielded a small elite army with few but hard-hitting units while I got into character and fielded a veritable swarm of men and machines. What followed was an interesting battle that I will write about later in the week. Here's a teaser pic...

Crash and burn!

I think I'll forge ahead with my Dust Warfare painting as I got momentum at the moment, and then when I get my hands on the Paradiso campaign book for Infinity I'll likely change gears to paint my spec-ops and perhaps a remote or two.

8 kommentarer :

  1. These guys look great! Well done (again)!

  2. Everyone keeping it short and sweet. Haha! Thanks guys! :)

  3. Looking forward to your battle against the Germans - nice preview :)

  4. Mitt namn Claes Viderberg, hittade er hemsida/blogg. Såg att ni spelar Dust warfare. Förstod jag det rätt att ni är verksamma i Stockholm för jag har försökt att hitta några att spela spelet med? Vore kul om man kunde haka på.

  5. Great job with the walkers, I've found weathering the Warfare stuff really gets the best out of them. I'm looking forward to see what you'll do with the infantry.

    Hope to see that next battle report soon, those have been great fun to read and they have inspired me to keep painting my stuff (haven't actually gotten around to playing Warfare yet.)

    Keep up the good work!

  6. @Claes - Mejlar dig.

    @Viktor - Thanks! And I agree, when painting them they don't really come together until you break out the German Grey and the pigments. Hehe! I've got another walker and the helicopter to do next but then I'll start testing some colour schemes on the infantry.

    It's been a bit of a delay but the after action report is coming!

    Anders friend, right? I guess you'll get to try the game out on Saturday. Good luck!


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