Sunday 22 May 2011

LPL Sunday: Final Round!

A little delayed, here's the final LPL Sunday post.

As I mentioned last time my inital plan to finally paint my space battleship Yamato fleet went awry and I put together the scene above on the fly. It still felt kind of right to make a summary of sorts of my adventures in 15mm so far so I'm not too bummed out about it. And spaceships (even the mighty Yamato) would probably not have prevailed against the opposition I faced in any case.

Braxandur had put together a really great Starship Troopers scene simply called "Would you like to know more?". One of the best entries this round and definitely the one most similar to its subject matter. In the end I lost with 95 votes against 242.

So in the end I won five rounds, lost five rounds and finished on 44th place. I was aiming for the upper half of the board, but this final round unfortunately dropped me 13 places from 31st. Oh well, I think I did fairly well considering what I entered. :)

Some other great entries this round:

So that is the end of that! Although I had a lot of fun during the LPL I'm really glad it's over. I kind of lost focus and motivation towards the end as I got more into Infinity. And although I entered my Infinity models twice it didn't "feel right", I would much rather have entered more 15mm Mars stuff. But I simply had more fun painting my Yu Jing. 

It would've been nice if I'd been able to bag some more bonus points. By entering a couple of old teams and missing out completely on the two theme rounds I lost 70 points. That's quite a lot and it would have netted me 24th place in the league. Well, next year eh?

Oh, so who won do you ask? Well, not surprisingly Frank, whom I faced in the first round, snagged the first place. He put together really amazing little scenes for every round and really deserved the win. My fellow Swede Hammers held the lead for the majority of the league, but faltered toward the end as real life got in the way.

I'll most likely post a more extensive LPL wrap-up post later in the week...

2 kommentarer :

  1. Well done - I was really impressed with your entries, and felt you were a bit unlucky in the draw on more than one occasion

  2. Thanks Donogh! I really appreciate it. :)

    I do feel I was a bit unlucky a couple of times (only three of my opponents ended lower than 30th place), especially in the first round against Frank and the fifth against Bugsda, but I guess that's how it goes.

    After all it's the LPL, not some super serious painting competition. :D


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