Friday 27 May 2011

15mm Mecha

I feel some more 15mm musings coming on...

I have a three Warbots from Micropanzer Studio that fit the mech-profile very well, but I would also like to have some kind of power armour/exo-suit/walker type soldiers in my army. Something humanoid but maybe twice the size of an infantryman.

My first thought was to simply get some more Gears from Dream Pod 9 since they're arguably the best looking humanoid mechs in the market today. But, for me at least, they're too intrinsically linked to Terra Nova and the Heavy Gear game and I don't think it would feel right in some weird way. The Valkyrie walkers from Art Crime Productions are another option that also have that specific kind of look that I'm going for. They're a bit pricey, but then again, so is DP9. As you can see here and here, size wise they're slightly smaller than a DP9 Gear but still substantially larger than an infantryman. I quite like their chuknyness as well.

Of course the perfect solution would be if I could find a Scopedog model (see top picture) in the right scale! It's like the grand daddy of realistic mecha (yes, you could argue Gundam here, but I don't agree) and the design is almost ageless. Unfortunately the models produced so far has either been too large (1/12, 1/20, 1/48, 1/35 etc) or too small (1/144). Hopefully one day...

13 kommentarer :

  1. Thanks. Leaning towards the Valkyrie, but who knows what might turn up... :)

  2. Hehe! Best design in ages...

  3. DP9's Basilisk! C'mon, it's close enough!

  4. The Basilisk is probably as close as I'll ever get, but that domed head is just a liiiittle bit too big for my tastes. Or maybe it's that its missing the "visor" that makes it look big. Hmm...

  5. Aye! It's a great and iconic one too.

  6. There you are! Sculpt a visor! While you're at it, the Black Adder makes a passable Standing Tortoise and the Jager can pass as a Fatty. Coconaaaaa!

  7. Hmm... it, would be a fun modelling project. I'll have to see if I can squeeze it in among all my other undertakings. :)

  8. Try doing a search for KT Figure Collection Votoms. Those are about 3" tall and come 5 in a box. Not sure on the detail though. I see three boxes on ebay ranging from $30 to $40. Might be what you are looking for!

  9. @Rabidchild - That's not a bad suggestion and actually a posibility I've considered since writing this post. They are still a bit too tall to be in scale with 15mm minis, but would of course work as larger than Scopedog mech.
    They would probably work pretty well for 25-28mm though. Hmm...

    Anyway, thanks for the comment, it's made me remember my mecha search. :)

  10. In this day and age of Shapeways and the like why oh why is there not a Scopedog in every played scale. Why no Scopedog in 15mm already is beyond me.

  11. @Grimmnar - That's very true! There are all kinds of cool stuff on Shapeways (so many spaceships I want to buy!) but not a single Scopedog! This is an outrage!


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