Thursday 14 April 2011

Switching size...

Never mind what's going on in the background...

Among all the 15mm stuff on my workspace some 28mm stuff has started to appear. Namely my Yu Jing minis! The other day I started putting together the ones I was most keen on painting and it was a pinning and greenstuffing extravaganza! Now, don't get me wrong, the Infinity miniatures are the best I've ever seen, bar none. Incredibly beautiful sculpts that rarely even need cleaning; the very miniscule mould lines are either in a flat area where you easily can file it away or run in a way that renders them invisible. Really amazing quality all around!

However, there are a lot of small parts; stuff like antennas, sensor booms, fins (yes, fins!), arms, swords and of course rifles that need assembling. Everything fits together perfectly, but to make a nice secure bond I've decided to pin almost everything and then use greenstuff where it connects to hide any gap that might still be there. So it's a bit time consuming but the end result is well worth it.

So far they're only basecoated black, but hopefully I'll be able to start actual painting even though the LPL is still going on (currently painting for round 6!). I'm thinking of a dark bluish-grey and off-white colour scheme for the hard armour pieces and then a kind of olive drabb for fatigues on the Zhanshis and the Tiger Soldiers. Hopefully this will give a hi-tech yet militaristic feel. We'll see...

Oh, and again, any advice on wheather to assemble the minis fully or leave some of the arms off to make sure I can reach everywhere? Currently I'm thinking of leaving them off and painting to a medium level, then glue them on and finish the highlighting.

And of course, the bases are just temporary. I'm getting urban ones from Antenocitis Workshop.

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