Wednesday 20 April 2011

New Painting Paradigm!

So... just now, out of the blue I decided to try something new painting-wise. I usually don't touch my minis for ages and then I sit down for a marathon session and do everything. And while this kind of works it can be a long time between these painting frenzies. So from now on I'm going to try and sneak in at least 15 minutes of painting every day!

It's not a long time, but probably enough to do one step in the process and if I manage to do it every day it'll soon add up. I'm not sure how well this strategy would work if you had hordes of things to paint (say, an entire 40k or WHFB army), but when you're mostly moving about in the skirmish region like I am I think it can work wonders! For example, my current project (besides the LPL) is Infinity and since I'm mostly painting one mini at the time 15 minutes can go a surprisingly long way. Probably enough to go from basecoat to final highlights in one area at least.

Today I've been prepping my Yu Jing and I'll start for real on my Zhanshi tomorrow. This'll be interesting!

3 kommentarer :

  1. G'Day

    That's exactly what I do, excepting that I try for 30 minutes a day. Like yourself I found the periods of time between painting frenzies too long. At least this way I do manage to actually get to paint onto my miniatures rather than just thinking about it.



  2. Ah, good to hear! Does it work well for you?

    I have the feeling that my 15 minute sessions will probably grow longer more often than not. It's just that I think 15 minutes is the minimum to get something done. Yesterday for example I finished the hard armour bits on my first Zhanshi. Hehe!

  3. G'Day

    It works well, it must. Otherwise I wouldn't have anything to post to my blog.




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