Saturday 12 March 2011

Running behind

Devastation in Minami Sanriku where 10,000 of the city's 17,000 inhabitants are missing.

I'm running behind on my updates. I do have a bunch of stuff to post; WFRP session reports, my thoughts on our recent Android session, some painting plans and some stuff about the LPL (that starts tomorrow), but it's all been eclipsed by what is happening in Japan and I feel I don't really have the energy to type things out at the moment.

While family and friends over there are alright (although they now face the more longterm problem of water, food and electricity) it's still mentally taxing to see what is happening to what I consider my second home. In some weird way it feels strange not to have been there. Like we should have been there. Some mild form of survivors guilt perhaps?

Hopefully I'll get up to speed next week or so.

2 kommentarer :

  1. Glad to read that family and friends are unhurt. Our thoughts go out to you and others who are affected by this event in any way.

  2. Thanks Andy. I appreciate it.


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